Saturday 15 November 2014

Christmas pudding making

I'm on my own in the house this weekend, just the animals to keep me company, but lots of tidying and cleaning to be done. One of the cupboards in the kitchen was fit to burst so I decided to clean it out; its the one where dried fruit and pudding-y things go. There was a load of dried fruit in there with expiry dates that are either passed, or very soon - so rather than waste it, or wait until 'stir-up Sunday' I've made some Xmas puddings.

Rather than write out a long boring list of ingredients, you can see what has been added to the bowl at each step of the recipe. After adding the ingredients I mixed them in before adding the next lot of ingredients. Explanations and instructions in the caption below the picture
Soak the dried mixed fruit in the alcohol overnight

Mix everything together....

and mix again....

And again!

Spoon the mixture into pudding bowls

Cover each bowl with 2-3 pieces of greaseproof paper/baking parchment, then cover with foil and place into a pan with water coming two-thirds of the way up the side of the bowl. Bring to the boil then simmer for 3-4 hours.. Once cooled put the bowls into a cool dry place until Christmas (the best pudding I ever had was one that had been made 2 years previously and forgotten about - fabulous flavour!) To eat at Christmas, we just re-heat briefly in the microwave (though you can just re-boil for a couple of hours) - and ALWAYS pour over some heated brandy and set light to it for the theatrics and added flavour!

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