Thursday, 24 May 2012

Odd-sized eggs

The very different sized eggs laid by our ex-batts on December 7th 2011.
The smallest had no yolk - but sadly the largest did not compensate for this by being a double yolker...

[Update: May 2012 - we no longer have chickens, the six we had when these eggs were laid, Tilly, CJ, Chicken, Madeline, Eggbutt and Pebbles, are no longer with us. Eggbutt and Pebbles vanished without trace one weekend in February this year, Madeline was plucked from the jaws of a fox by Rod on Feb 16th and died later that morning, CJ died a week later, and Chicken and Tilly have joined a new ex-batt flock in rural North Wales where there appear to be no foxes!]

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